Monday 17 August 2015

Back again, for what seems like the 100th time....

Yes I'm back.  Again.  Still on this stupid ride of lose weight, put it back on, lose it again.  The neverending cycle of feeling like crap so I restrict myself, and then I binge and eat everything in the house.  On the one day.  Or I go shopping and buy lots of crap food.  And then tell myself that I'm a shit person and I need to eat it to get rid of it so I can start afresh.  So I eat all the junk food.  In the one get the picture.

So now I'm nearly back to where I started from - when I first started this blog.  Losing weight is hard enough, but keeping it off is even harder.  Having a baby and then losing weight is hard.  Having 5 kids and no real time management skills is hard.  Having lots of children, a messy house, anxiety and depression is hard - not very conducive for weight loss anyway.

So I'm back again, but I'm not making any huge plans, I am going to take it day by day and see how I go - and I'm not fully restricting myself, I'm allowing myself things that I like.  You know, like coffee.  An ice cream after dinner.  I think if I eat well for the majority of the day, a few little things won't hurt too much and might help keep me motivated to keep going like this, instead of restricting everything and then eating everything (and then some).

So today I had a smoothie for breakfast that kind of tasted like grass.  And looked like the green sludgy stuff you find on the top of creeks.  But it wasn't too bad, think I just put wayyyy too much spinach in.

Then I went for a 5km walk with the baby in the pram, which wasn't too bad - aside from some knee pain I think I did quite ok.

Got home, changed the beds around in two bedrooms and then had morning tea - boiled egg and some celery with cream cheese, and celery with peanut butter.  Then lunch was chicken soup with some bok choy chucked on the bottom of the bowl to wilt before eating.  That was pretty tasty.

Afternoon tea was some carrot sticks and hommus that I found in my fridge (from my shopping trip for the Lose Baby Weight challenge.  I have things in my fridge from the time I was going to do LCHF as well.  And probably some things from other challenges or "diets").

Dinner was a fish stir fry I threw together, without any recipe.  It was quite nice and full of vegies, which was my plan - not that I have a plan hahaha

So I think today went quite well.  It's not finished yet, but I didn't have any cravings for any junk food and that's a bonus!!!

Let's see how tomorrow goes.

Friday 2 January 2015

New year - here we go again!!

So here it is - 2015.  Still fat, still unfit, still unhappy.

It is really funny when I look back at pics from weight before and at the moment that seems so far away to get to, but when I was there I still wasn't happy with my weight. I wanted to be smaller.  71kg was still very overweight to me when I was there, however its at least 20kg lighter than what I am now.

I say at least because I don't actually know what I weigh.  I know its above 90kg.  It could be above 95kg.  Our scales are broken (and no I didn't break them when I stood on them!)

So here we go, another year, another chance of getting to where I want to be and fighting my internal demons when it comes to food.

At the moment we are tossing around the idea to eat grain free and sugar free.  But then I read something the other day about how weight loss is more successful if you add things to your life, instead of taking things away.  So adding in more vegetables.  Add in more water (something I really need to do).  Add in more exercise - but instead of jumping in and exercising 6 times a week, aim to exercise for more days than you don't exercise.

I am still going to try and stay away from processed foods, just simply for the fact that they really aren't good for you, and I should look out for my kids and not feed them crap either.

So today I have had:

Breakfast - bowl of Jalna yoghurt and some grain free granola on the top and some dried cherries (which were really tart and I won't be having them tomorrow lol)

Morning tea - boiled egg and some peanut butter in celery.  I love peanut butter, especially from the health food store where they add nothing into it.  Exxy but yum.

Lunch - I didn't feel like a salad so I went with the theory of "add more vegetables" and had a sandwich with ham and a bucketload of spinach, half a cucumber and some beetroot on it.  Doesn't have to be perfect - just add more vegetables and I feel like that is easy enough to stick to.

Afternoon tea - a bite of very over ripe banana, then I had some maple cashews, some sultanas and a little bit of homemade blueberry ice cream off the spoon when I made it.

Dinner - its vegetarian night in our house, so while the kids have pasta - we are having vegie burgers/rissoles with roasted vegies.  I took an old recipe for vegie burgers I have and put in a 5 bean mix instead of chickpeas because I didn't have any.  Hopefully they will taste ok, I omitted the flour and used a bit of almond meal to make it less moist.

After dinner - homemade ice cream - blueberry!

Coffees:  3
Water intake:  probably around 1.5L
Exercise - about an 8km walk with my friend Jennilee