Sunday 10 June 2012

Another week, another weigh in

Another week gone, this one implementing our new eating habits - ie, eating after the kids go to bed instead of having dinner at 5pm and then snacking all night till we go to bed. So far it's working really well, I've stopped snacking and just have a cup of coffee usually when the kids have their dinner. Well, not that they eat, it should say "when I make dinner for the kids and they bitch and moan about how they don't want to eat it".

Anyway, a better weigh in this week - woohoo! I've also been getting up in the morning while it's still dark and going for a walk with my new walking buddy. It's so much easier to force yourself out of bed on this cold mornings when you know someone is waiting for you! So I've been doing that exercise, I'm happy if I get bit of exercise every day, no matter how little, the main reason for doing this is to get fit not necessarily just to get skinny. No good being skinny if you still can't run around with the kids because your cardiovascular fitness is up to shit.

Current weight: 91.1kg
Total lost so far: 8.9kg

Bring on this week!


  1. Go you!!!

    (p.s can you send me a text? I had to reset my phone and have lost all my numbers - thanks! xx).

  2. You should post a followers gadget so people can follow and support your journey! Congrats by the way! :)

  3. Thanks for the tip! I just checked out your blog, I love your idea of posting pics of what you ate to keep you accountable. I might start thinking about doing that... it might be scary with my amount of snacking I do!
