Monday 4 June 2012

When scales go bad

Ok so this week I gained weight. I know why. I snack of a night time. We have dinner at 5pm with the kids and by the time 7.30 or 8pm rolls around I am bloody starving!

So instead of admitting defeat as my past self would have done, Elf Man and I have come up with a new plan.

We will feed the kids at 5pm and one of us will exercise. The other sits down with the kids and has a cuppa or a banana or something. Our dinner time is now at 7.30 to try and stop those nightly bingings.

It worked last night, dinner at 7.30 and a little bit of ice cream at 8.30, cup of tea at 9.30.

Hopefully this new plan wil keep my exercise regular, it's hard to exercise at night when The Baby has been unsettled and waking all the time. By the way, The Baby will now affectionately be known as Bubbles.

So with my weight gain this week - if it's not working, change it!

current weight: 93.5

1 comment:

  1. That's a great plan Mel. I tend to eat a t night too, especially if I'm home alone when the Hubby is on night shifts. I like to eat with the kids so I eat early too. I usually try to just have a green tea, or a cup of milk and two arrowroot biscuits at night. But it is so tough when I eat at 5.30 and go to bed at 11pm, that's a long time between food! Especially when that is all you think about!
