Tuesday 31 July 2012

The little things to remember

Losing weight is such a huge (hate to use the word!) journey, you come across so many things along the way and I think its important to take note of them.

I weigh the same now as I did when I first met Elf Man.  I still remember sitting in my bedroom, listening to music, getting extremely drunk - with this extremely TALL man I had met on the internet and that was the first time I had met him in real life.

As I had been left with no self-confidence in my first marriage (which had ended only 3 months before!) I asked Elf Man if he was disappointed with how I looked, since you know, I was ugly and 83kg so not slim.

He told me - and I remember it like it was yesterday - that he thought I was "fuckin' hot actually'.

How those little compliments stay with you - just an off the cuff comment I'm sure by him, but it meant so much to me to hear those three little words.  It was like someone had given me the best gift ever, after living with someone for over 5 years and continuously feeling bad about myself, that I was ugly, not worthy of love, not worthy of sex - it took basically a random stranger to turn it all around.  Of course, he might just have been pissed, or just trying to get into bed with me........

*cough cough*

So while I'm the same weight now, and my body definitely doesn't look the same after 4 babies in 4 years - its nice to remember this weight in a good way, and not just that I have 17kg to go to get to my goal.

If only one person in the world finds you beautiful (or, you know, fuckin' hot), it doesn't really matter what anyone else thinks, because you'll always have that to hold close to your heart.

(Ps....and marry that person so you can hear it often heehee)

Sunday 29 July 2012

Slack arse!

That's what I am. A total slack arse with updating this blog (and my other one for that matter)

So it was 3 months on the 23rd and I was 84kg - so 16kg lost in that time, not too bad! I weighed in today as well, now 82.8kg so have officially lost 20kg from my fattest weight (not e starting the melcra diet though).

So there have been a few changes since I last posted, back on mfp now - figured I would do it till I reach a heathy weight - ie not still in the obese category! Since I'm such a short arse I'm pretty sure I'm still considered obese.

I started going gluten free today as well, hopefully this will help my bloating of a night time go away. Only time will tell.

So my eating today has been ok, some fruit for breakfast cos I didn't have anything else in the house, skipped morning tea cos I went to collect some secondhand Spot books, so had corn thins for lunch with spinach, ham, cheese and tomato, then some new Vegie chips for afternoon tea. Having some kebabs for dinner with chicken, mushroom, onion, capsicum and zucchini - and some other vegies on the side! Can't wait. Nothing better than eating fresh healthy food!

With a side of homemade choc orange choc chip ice cream for dessert......

Current weight: 82.8kg
Total weight loss: 17.2kg

Weight to lose to get to goal: 17.8kg

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Catching up and starting afresh

Thought it was time for a catch up!

I have been tracking my calories in both My Fitness Pal app and Calorie King (extra help when I can't find what I'm looking for with MFP).  The problem that I was finding was that I was subconsciously not eating a lot during the day and I would be left with a big lot of calories (around 300 - 400) to consume after dinner!  So instead of my healthy food choices that I first set out to eat on the Melcra lifestyle diet, I found myself eating lots of rice crackers to get the numbers up or some biscuits with my tea.

Its not the way we started out, nor is it the routine that we wanted to get into, so I've dumped the MFP (will still track my weight loss in there though) and going back to basics.  Food that I will consume will be good food, food to help my body run better and I'll eat when hungry, not set times.

So yesterday I had my lovely green smoothie for breakfast which I haven't had for a while, and I have missed it!  Today I had an porridge sachet for breakfast, vegemite on premium crackers for morning tea, chicken soup for lunch and piece of bread (which I think I will start making my own bread again so it at least tastes nicer, even if I freeze it and only have a piece with my soup), I made a muesli slice type of thing for afternoon tea so I had some of that, and then for dinner I'm having chicken and vegetable stir fry (snow peas, red and green capsicum, onion, garlic, egg noodles, ginger and some sauces - lots of chilli sauce!).

I'll make some more protein balls tomorrow or lemon balls - so my basic diet is sort of paleo-like but not really, because I'm still having yoghurt and milk in my coffee and teas.  Plus I do still have rice a few times a month, and pasta - but I'm thinking of trying cauliflower rice instead of normal rice - just to give it a go!

Anyway - that's where I'm at - at the moment anyway.

Current weight:  86.7kg
total weight loss to date:  13.3kg