Sunday 29 July 2012

Slack arse!

That's what I am. A total slack arse with updating this blog (and my other one for that matter)

So it was 3 months on the 23rd and I was 84kg - so 16kg lost in that time, not too bad! I weighed in today as well, now 82.8kg so have officially lost 20kg from my fattest weight (not e starting the melcra diet though).

So there have been a few changes since I last posted, back on mfp now - figured I would do it till I reach a heathy weight - ie not still in the obese category! Since I'm such a short arse I'm pretty sure I'm still considered obese.

I started going gluten free today as well, hopefully this will help my bloating of a night time go away. Only time will tell.

So my eating today has been ok, some fruit for breakfast cos I didn't have anything else in the house, skipped morning tea cos I went to collect some secondhand Spot books, so had corn thins for lunch with spinach, ham, cheese and tomato, then some new Vegie chips for afternoon tea. Having some kebabs for dinner with chicken, mushroom, onion, capsicum and zucchini - and some other vegies on the side! Can't wait. Nothing better than eating fresh healthy food!

With a side of homemade choc orange choc chip ice cream for dessert......

Current weight: 82.8kg
Total weight loss: 17.2kg

Weight to lose to get to goal: 17.8kg

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