Monday 8 October 2012

A few updates!

So I have a few things to get out of my head today!

First up - we weighed ourselves yesterday.  Unbeknownst to us, our scales had stopped working properly around 6ish weeks ago.  When I plateaued at 78kg for 3 weigh ins - although I was discouraged at the time and could never see myself getting below that weight - and now we know it was the bloody scales not working properly cos a leg fell off and they were wobbly!

So my weight is now 73.1kg (going by the wii fit).  Its funny, when I was 103kg I thought that anyone who was 75ish didn't really need to lose weight, they were so lucky to not be as heavy as me - but now that I'm here, I realise that I have a LOT of weight left to lose.  (See picture for evidence!)


I still have a LOT of weight around my belly and on my thighs, realistically I could probably get down to 55kg (both my mum and sister are usually this weight) and not look too skinny.  I'd build muscle of course, so I would be an athletic type of body - I can't wait till I get to that point!

So my weight is 73.1kg, I've gone down to 29.87% body fat and I lost 10cm in the last month.  So according to BMI calculators my BMI is 26.9 which means I'm still classed as overweight.  Definitely have to keep going!

Now the next thing - I'm so over my bloating issue.  When I went paleo that took that issue away, but it gave me the runs all the time.  So what was causing the runs? I thought it was the lack of fibre (as compared to a diet containing grains) but maybe it was from a excessive amount of fat OR protein (excessive in comparison to what I had normally been having).  Google tells me it could be either.  So, do I go paleo again, but not have as much fat?  We weren't eating THAT much fat, only with our bacon, I never added extra fat to things, but we did have some homemade lara bars made with coconut oil, and they were quite slimy with oil.

So I thought that since my nose is also blocked again - I'll go off dairy for a month and see if that helps.  So thats my newest plan - go off dairy for the month.

And yet another thing - I've started a "No Junk Food Challenge" - so its this:

So I had day 1 today, pretty easy considering we never ate those things in the first place.  Although we have no ice cream for after dinner and thats something I normally have, as well as biscuits with my evening cuppa so that should be interesting tonight after dinner!

Current weight:  73.1 kg
Total weight loss to date:  29.9kg (sooo close to 30kg)

Saturday 6 October 2012

Choc orange balls

Well since I'm too scared to eat chocolate now (not that we ate a lot of it anyway obviously since starting the Melcra lifestyle), I have to look at other ways to get that chocolate in my diet (because, you know, its obviously needed as part of a well balanced diet!)

So I was thinking about the lemon balls I usually make, based on this recipe (I roll into balls instead of cutting into bars on my friend Sammie's suggestion).  Then I started thinking.. hmm.. what if I used orange instead of lemon.  Both citrus so should work right?

So then I started thinking... well shit, if I had orange, what goes well with orange - CHOCOLATE!!!!

So then I looked at this other recipe that I normally make for little chocolate type balls, and thought, well hell, I'll create my own!

So this is what I did -

1 cup of almonds
1.5 cups of dates
30g cacao
1 tablespoon of vanilla extract
zest of an orange (I used a new one I got the other day, washed it, dried it, then cut off with a peeler)
2.5 tablespoons of orange juice
1 cup of shredded coconut

So I let the thermomix do its job - and this is the end result!!

Some I rolled plain, some I rolled in coconut - obviously!  I'm definitely no cook, or make my own inventions kinda gal, hell I had to google how to pan fry our fish tonight!  But these are pretty damn good!  I think the best thing is - there is no sweeteners or anything added to it, so totally paleo if we ever want to return to that kind of eating style (which we sort of follow anyway except for the odd sandwich here and there!)

The plain ones are a bit sticky, but I think I can live with that.........

Friday 5 October 2012

Goodbye old Mel

Ok so we had a pretty full on day today, and I was sooo not looking forward to the fish we were supposed to have for dinner.  So I was like, god I feel like Maccas!

Elf Man said no, but agreed he didn't feel like fish either for dinner.  Plus, it was sorta still frozen so that backed up our excuse for not wanting it...

So I said something about toasted cheese sangas for dinner.  Then in my mind I was like - yeahhhh lots of dripping cheese, and I'll have TWO sangas, since its like dinner and everything, has to be full meal.

But then I stopped myself.  FFS Mel, have you learnt nothing!?  You work hard to get that weight off, and then as easy as it is to put a pair of old shoes on - back you flop into your old habits.

So I told myself no.  I'm not doing that to myself, I'm a different person now and I'm NOT going back there.

So I got my arse into the kitchen and whipped up some fried rice.  Of course since we avoid rice, I made it with cauliflower instead of rice.  So there was onion, carrots, sweet potato, pumpkin, red and green capsicum, some sauces, celery, some eggs, chinese cabbage, chinese 5 spice and a whole cauliflower (cut up, steamed and processed like rice).

So that was dinner.  Not maccas, not toasted cheese - but something very healthy, and quite yummy!

And also - my mum gave me a big container of custard (from the shops) for the kids.  So I gave the kids some of that after their dinner, with the intention of having the rest with Elf Man tonight for our dessert.

But I'm not going to.  I'll have our low calorie ice cream for dessert like normal (or homemade sorbet, whatever!) instead of the vanilla custard over a banana that was originally planned.

I'm not going back to Old Mel - she's gone forever.

Bye bye 103kg Mel, bye bye.