Friday 5 October 2012

Goodbye old Mel

Ok so we had a pretty full on day today, and I was sooo not looking forward to the fish we were supposed to have for dinner.  So I was like, god I feel like Maccas!

Elf Man said no, but agreed he didn't feel like fish either for dinner.  Plus, it was sorta still frozen so that backed up our excuse for not wanting it...

So I said something about toasted cheese sangas for dinner.  Then in my mind I was like - yeahhhh lots of dripping cheese, and I'll have TWO sangas, since its like dinner and everything, has to be full meal.

But then I stopped myself.  FFS Mel, have you learnt nothing!?  You work hard to get that weight off, and then as easy as it is to put a pair of old shoes on - back you flop into your old habits.

So I told myself no.  I'm not doing that to myself, I'm a different person now and I'm NOT going back there.

So I got my arse into the kitchen and whipped up some fried rice.  Of course since we avoid rice, I made it with cauliflower instead of rice.  So there was onion, carrots, sweet potato, pumpkin, red and green capsicum, some sauces, celery, some eggs, chinese cabbage, chinese 5 spice and a whole cauliflower (cut up, steamed and processed like rice).

So that was dinner.  Not maccas, not toasted cheese - but something very healthy, and quite yummy!

And also - my mum gave me a big container of custard (from the shops) for the kids.  So I gave the kids some of that after their dinner, with the intention of having the rest with Elf Man tonight for our dessert.

But I'm not going to.  I'll have our low calorie ice cream for dessert like normal (or homemade sorbet, whatever!) instead of the vanilla custard over a banana that was originally planned.

I'm not going back to Old Mel - she's gone forever.

Bye bye 103kg Mel, bye bye.

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