Monday 28 May 2012

My problem with running

I would love to run.  I have dreams of one day strapping on my sneakers and heading out for a nice long run, pony tail bouncing happily instead of my jiggling fat.

However, I've realised a problem with my dream.  I can't run.  Sparrow and I went for a walk the other day and he kept wanting me to run, but aside from the part where I don't want people to see me run because I'm like a big hippo - I also feel like a huge elephant trying to run because I'm so bloody heavy.  It takes some serious effort to move my body in anything faster than a walk.  Its also painful to move my big elephant body like that.

I love the fact that I am losing weight, but its just not fast enough for me!  My head wants me to be skinnier so its easy for me to run, however, my body isn't listening to my head and is losing it at a slower rate.  Which I know is the way its supposed to be, slow and steady wins the race and all that - but god it takes a long time to get there!

And there in lies the problem with all my other weight loss efforts.  I get discouraged by the sheer amount of time it takes to lose all these kilos and putting them on didn't seem to take as long as taking them off.  Of course I've put on all this weight from all my pregnancies, so theoretically its taken about 5 years to get to where I am today and its not going to take me 5 years to take it off.....but I want to be fit and healthy now - not in 10.5 months time!

So there it is - I'm impatient and I want results  now.  Doesn't everyone?  ;)


  1. yes we all want it yesterday :) Hang in there you are doing great

  2. Yes, yes I do! I wanted to be slimmer yesterday and yesterday and yesterday! Alas today, I have gotten bigger after a blow-out weekend:( back to it today though. Hopefully next weigh-in I will have lost it and then some.
    FWIW, when I do the Couch to 5km, I wear a maximum support sports bra and then a crop top on top that is one size too small. I also wear control knickers that go up under my bust, so my belly doesn't jiggle and feel horrible. Because the jiggle is something that seriously stops me from running too. It feels terrible. So I figure I will go to the extreme measures and exercise rather than not. Just gotta get my back and pelvis better so I can get back to it!

  3. I am learning to just fricken do it, no room for excuses. I admit its so hard in my body starting running at 110kg was no easy feat buy like Kellie im doing c25km and its getting easier even if im taking my scared of the next level slow arse time to graduate up.

  4. You are doing so well Mel. xoxo. Do you access to a cross trainer? I love it. It feels a lot like running but it is low impact as your feet don't leave the pedals, and it kind of makes you feel like you are the skinny, pony-tailed runner because the movement is smoother and more controlled. You will get there and it will taste good!

  5. Am I making excuses Ash? Probably, but I am nearly 35 *holy crap* and my body doesn't quite work the way that I'd like it to after 4 babies in 4 years - its hard enough to walk most of the time. So I think I will make excuses for just that little bit longer until it doesn't feel like I'm an elephant trying to run... Kris - yeah I have a cross trainer, rower and a exercise bike. So I've got a fair bit of equipment to choose between every night. Tonight's the bike!
