Sunday 30 September 2012

Brace yourself!

Ok, so I've had knee issues that has stopped me getting on the treadmill for a little bit - I've been resorting to the cross trainer more because of it.

So yesterday, I found Elf Man's knee brace and I put it on.  I could never get it on my knee before because I was too fat, so it fits now that I've lost some weight.  Still tight, but I still have feeling in my toes so I don't think its cutting off any crucial circulation.

We tried out a new workout yesterday, one that took us each an hour to complete.  Three sets of exercises, and each set was:

*  Run for 3 minutes on the treadmill at 8km
*  Jump on the cross trainer for 3 minutes at 10 degree incline and 10 resistance     (keeping rpm above 63)
*  Jump on rower for 3 minutes on resistance 4
*  Box for 3 minutes
*  30 jumping jacks
*  10 squats
*  10 pushups
*  10 crunches
*  10 trunk extensions

Each set took 20 minutes, so one hour all up.  Elf Man burnt over 1300 calories with his (which was pretty similar to my workout) but since the heart rate monitor doesn't like me, I have no idea what I burnt.  I was pretty happy with the effort though.

So earlier today I braced my knee again to go on the treadmill.  Previously I had been running at 10km for my intervals, but I didn't want to push it, so I ran at 9km.  I usually do half an hour of my intervals (running, then walking for a minute), but I got to 23 minutes and I wasn't out of breath like I normally am, and I wasn't counting down the seconds on each run, so I thought I would push myself a little bit more.

So I kept going, still doing minute intervals, until I reached 42 minutes, then I ran until I hit 44 minutes, then walked the last minute.  I was pretty stoked with that effort, usually its really hard for me to complete 1 minute, let alone 2 minutes - at the end of the workout!!!!

I felt strong, and my knee was being awesome for me - thanks knee brace!

I've also been pleased with my nutrition efforts, I am really trying to get those 2 fruit serves and 5 vegies serves per day - and I've discovered that Elf Man has a really awesome breakfast so I've been making him make it for me too.  Its pretty high in calories, but its so filling that I really don't need to eat until lunch.  I have a cup of coffee at morning tea, but don't actually feel hungry.  It contains:  half a cup of oats, some linseeds, pepitas, sunflower seeds, dried cranberries, shredded coconut, cut up fresh fruit (today was blueberries, strawberry and banana), splash of low fat yoghurt, splash of low fat milk, drizzle of honey - and zapped in the microwave for a little bit.  It is SO nice, think I'll get him to make it for me every day.

On another note, it was weigh in day today, and I lost a bit too - what a freakin' awesome day.

Current weight:  75.5kg
Total weight loss (so far!):  27.5kg

1 comment:

  1. I am currently eating my own version of the breakfast you mentioned - yum! I substituted cranberries for sultanas, and we only really had apples, so I used that - but yum!
