Tuesday 1 January 2013

New year, new determination

Ok so I weighed in this morning at 76.7kg.  So unfortunately I have gained some weight.

So I've taken new pics (not to be disclosed until I've lost some weight cos they aren't very flattering) and I started my challenge (new blog HERE) and I got back into the exercise today with some weights.

So this is my plan of attack to finally get down to 65kg by Easter time (which is like 13 weeks away, ridiculous challenge for me).

Monday, Wednesday and Friday - jump on the treadmill and do a session from my ifit card - Jillian Michaels program.

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday - weights and a jog afterwards.  I did 5 minute jogging at speed 8 today, and I will slowly increase the time by 30 seconds each week.  I've had a long break, and I don't want my hip to play up on me so I'm taking it pretty easy.

Sunday - swim at the pool.  As many laps as I can do in 30 minutes.  Last Sunday was 14.

Also on Saturday - cross trainer session - 30 minutes.

So with all that exercise and good eating, I should get pretty close to my goal by easter time.

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