Saturday 29 December 2012

112 days of Paleo

So I've been VERY relaxed with my eating over the xmas period (and a bit before that to be completely honest) so I've decided that I am setting myself a new challenge and I am going to complete it.  I know I've said that a lot, and I know my lovely husband doesn't really have any faith in me, but I am going to complete it. 

I've already started preparing for Paleo life, got my choc mint balls to snack on if I feel like something sweet, made almond milk this morning with my new nut milk bag I got for xmas, and I'm testing a new breakfast cereal tomorrow to see if I like it to add to my other options for breakfast (can't eat eggs all the time!)

I've got a referral to get my bloods taken as well, so I was planning on doing that and then going back at the end of 112 days and getting them retested.

Why 112 days?  Well, it takes me to the 23rd April - when I started this whole weight loss "journey".  So it seemed fitting that I take it to my anniversary of weight loss, and hopefully will be 65kg then.  Eventually I want to get down to 60kg, I think thats pretty realistic.

So that starts on 1st January.  Now I have to go finish off my homemade pizza, garlic bread and beer.  Cos  you know, I'm going without for 112 days....

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