Wednesday 26 September 2012

Back on the horse I tells ya

Ok, so 10 years ago I was married to my first husband (yes, even fat girls can have a few men interested in them in their life time!) and I was going to Vic Uni and studying legal studies.  I used to ride my husband's bike to uni, because we lived about 5 blocks away.  One day I was riding and I swerved to miss a little kid who jumped out in front of me, and my handle bar got stuck in a fence and the bike flipped.  As did I.  And then the bike landed on me and ran over my face.  I was traumatised by the experience!  I limped all the way to uni (crying of course like the big sook I am) and had a hug from one of my friends (I think he was a bit weirded out cos I was normally pretty tough!).

So then I got cleaned up, went to classes as usual, took the bike home (walked - I wasn't getting on that again!).  So when my husband got home, I told him about the accident and expected a bit of love and affection because I was still hurting from it, and all I got was...


Fuck the bike buddy - how about your wife!!

Anyhooooo....... that was the last time I went on a bike.  Until today.  I felt like going for a walk (6 months ago I never had those feelings) and so we put the kids in various prams, Sparrow rode his bike, and Elf Man and I headed out for a small 3.2km walk.

Then after we got back - I took one of our bikes out for a ride.  Just up and down the street, and it felt so free!  To have the ground so close to me whilst moving quickly was a bit scary for me, and the friggin' magpie that was attacking me was a complete pain in the arse, but it felt good to be back on there.

I'm realising that this IS a lifestyle now, and calorie counting is great and it does get you where you need to be - however its not a lifestyle you can do forever, and I wouldn't want to.  So I'm going to eat good food, move my arse at least 6 times a week in various exercises, and my new goal isn't to be 65kg - its to have my legs not wobble when I walk.  Too much fat on my legs and arse and I wobble - so thats my goal!  To have that stop wobbling.

Forget about the scale, forget about BMI, forget about body fat percentage - my goal is to not have wobbly legs when I walk.

Good wholesome food + exercise = my wobbly jelly legs gone forever!

Well, thats the plan anyway........


  1. You're doing so well Mel. You're changing all of the right things. Not eating junk, exercising regularly, your mind set. I think it's the thinking part that keeps tripping me up. Gotta change that and I will get there!

    1. That's my goal too Mel. Its not the scales I care about. It's how long it takes for my bingo wings and arse to stop wobbling after I have stopped moving that I care about.
      I hope you know you have done an amazing job and you should be incredibly proud of yourself xx
