Tuesday 14 August 2012

Day 2

Day 2 of our Whole 30 challenge.  Still feeling good, even did some exercise today, did intervals (walking at 5, running at 9 - incline of 2) on the treadmill for half an hour.

This is what our meal plan was today.

Dairy free green smoothie from here:

However, I didn't use rapadura (obviously since no sugars are allowed!) but instead I threw in a handful of frozen blueberries instead to help sweeten it.  Was delicious, and the kids loved it too.

Morning tea was a lemon ball and a protein ball like I had yesterday.

For lunch I had homemade chicken soup (with homemade chicken stock) and because I usually have crackers or toast with it - I felt like I needed something crunchy with it.  So I grabbed a lettuce leaf, cut the side off a cucumber, and a small piece of chicken that I cooked up last night.  Rolled it up - and that took place of my crackers.

Then I had a protein ball because the kids had tiny teddies and they looked really nice!  Then I had some sultanas and a banana later on.

Had a cauliflower, bacon and cashew curry.  Was nice and easy to make, and was quite tasty.  A bit hot for my liking and then it wasn't until after I used the curry powder that I discovered that one of the ingredients was rice flour.  I'm sure it would be minimal, but I'm disappointed that I didn't think to look first!

Day two over and done with, and not going too bad.  Have to watch my consumption of dried fruit though, easy to overdo it - today it was sultanas and dried apricots in the afternoon and before dinner because I was hungry.  So I'm not having any tomorrow, nor am I having any lemon balls or protein balls.

Tonight I have had extreme rumblings in my belly, and poor Elf Man has had the displeasure of my very rumbly belly turning into lots and LOTS of stinky gas.  Was it that little bit of rice flour that set it off or too much dried fruit?  Hard to say.

I am NOT having dried fruit tomorrow.


  1. where are the lemon ball and protein ball recipes Mel? I need more snacks!

  2. Cashew hommus makes a good snack - remember you tried that at my house? Have it with celery or carrot sticks :) Lemon bars are from the rawtarian website - http://www.therawtarian.com/raw-lemon-bars-recipe I roll mine into balls though instead of cutting into bars.

    The protein balls are here:
