Sunday 26 August 2012

Day 14

Nearly half way through the challenge and I can feel my resolve slipping, I want to have honey and some other little things that you are allowed on the normal paleo diet, but not the whole 30!  Ahh dear.  You're not supposed to make any paleo treats, but we did up some biscuits today (macadamia, currant and apple biscuits) and of course we had to taste test them, and they are quite nice.  Light and fluffy, and a bit coconutty, so they are definitely acceptable in this house!  But, I would imagine they are classed as a "treat" so probably shouldn't be eating them......


Last night we went to my brother's house - twas our nephew's birthday celebration.  So of course there was soft drink, bucketloads of lollies, chips, some other chip looking things, pizza, sausage rolls, party pies... and ice cream cake!  Oh, and don't forget the marshmallows toasted over the fire....

So Elf Man and I had a huge apple each for afternoon tea, then the turkey meatballs for dinner that I had made earlier that day.  My sister in law made a nice salad to go with their lasagna (omg it looked bloody awesome) so we had some salad on the side.  Then when everyone else was having ice cream cake (kids) or cheesecake (adults), we had some strawberries, blueberries, kiwi fruit and some grapes in a bowl.

So we successfully kept to our paleo challenge there.

Today we had bacon, eggs, tomato and spinach for breakfast.  Think I made the bacon too crispy, if thats possible!!!!  Then we had our biscuits for morning tea (and also a muffin that I made yesterday with apples, bananas and some other healthy goodness!).

Lunch was a salad with spinach, lettuce, cucumber, bean sprouts, dried cranberries, cashews and some chicken that I baked in the oven after doing the biscuits.  Simple but yum!

Dinner is a spanish omelette, I took a recipe from Simple Food Ideas and made it paleo - took out the processed sausage and put in ham, took out the white potato and put in sweet potato, and took out the peas and put in asparagus.  Its yum.  So thats our dinner, along with some vegies on the side.

Elf Man is trying to kill us though - he made a chocolate ice cream tonight for the kids and put frozen jelly in it as well.  Damn you, Elf Man.  Damn you!  *shakes fist*  Can't wait till the 30 days are over so we can make up some ice cream of our own - coconut milk and cacao - chocolate ice cream - thank you very much!!

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