Thursday 16 August 2012

Day 4

Day 4 of the challenge!

Breakfast was grain free cereal again with almond milk.  No picture necessary obviously cos we've already had it this week!

Morning tea I had a lovely friend drop in for coffee (well, she had coffee and milk, I had tea with almond milk) and I had a couple of lemon balls.

Lunch I had leftover pineapple coleslaw from last night, plus some chicken that I had cooked the other day, and I threw in some cashews as well.  Then I had a small banana from my mum's banana tree.

Afternoon tea.  I can't remember.  LOL

Dinner!  Slow cooked cabbage rolls and cauliflower rice on the side.  It was SUPER yummy.  Very impressed with that dish.

Then we had some strawberry and kiwi fruit sorbet that Elf Man made last night - no sugar, just fruit and ice cubes.

Need to make some more almond milk because we have none left!  We're going through a litre or so every couple of days I think, more than I expected for just cereal and teas.

Health wise - I'm feeling good, still chirpy and still haven't lost my shit with the kids which is well, unusual LOL... I've also had some loose err movements, so I'm guessing my body is clearing out the old stuff.  Also had a slight headache today (which I have read is normal at this stage) and felt a little bit sick this morning, but it passed quickly and luckily I didn't vomit from it.

All good stuff!  Bring on day 5.  Time to look for new recipes to try next week!

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