Sunday 19 August 2012

Day 7

This morning we were up early (even though I hardly slept all night due to Bubbles) and we quickly made breakfast (weetbix for the non-paleo members, and a green smoothie for the paleo people).

Then we were off to the markets and stocked up on a LOT of fresh fruit and vegetables.

Then we headed up the coast to Elf Man's parents house for a family lunch. None of them knew about the challenge so it was interesting the looks we copped from a few of them ;)

So while everyone sat down to morning tea of biscuits (lots of different yummy biscuits), Elf man and I sat down to some fresh fruit that we just got from the market.

Then while everyone was eating lots of yummy stuff for lunch (lasagna, some pasta thingy, rice, some peas and corn and chicken casserole stuff) we ate a salad, thrown together from my bags from the market.  We didn't have any nuts so I quickly steamed some sweet potato in the microwave and chucked that in.

Then for afternoon tea - omg - the feast that was on the table.  Chocolate cake with thick icing, date and walnut loaf, potato chips, after dinner mints, muffins - I was drooling over the after dinner mints, but I would not be tempted.  We didn't feel like fruit again, so we pinched two eggs from Elf Man's mum, boiled them up and had one each while everyone (including the kids) pigged out around us.  We also drank black tea since I forgot to bring my almond milk.

So I think we did rather well at resisting the temptations and not cheating on our challenge.

And for dinner - paleo BLT's, sweet potato chips and some broccoli cos I thought the plate needed some colour.  OMG.  SO FREAKIN' YUMMY!!!!!!  I love this eating challenge.

We also weighed ourselves this morning for our normal Sunday weigh in.  Results!

Current weight:  79.5kg (yeeha baby under 80!)
Total weight lost so far:  21.5kg.

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