Monday 13 August 2012

The Whole hog

Ok, so we started the Whole 30 challenge today - a Paleo challenge.  We finally decided to take the leap into it, its only for 30 days, so we'll see where it takes us.  I'll blog what we are eating just in case I make a dish I really like, so I can remember it - my memory is shocking.

So for breakfast we had a grain free cereal.  I got the recipe from here:

I forgot to put the dried fruit in though at the end (doh!) and I substituted the vanilla with an extra date.

So I also made almond milk this morning, so we had grain free cereal, almond milk and a banana on top.  The almond milk made it all gluggy like instead of like cereal, but it was still nice.  I do prefer it with yoghurt though.

Then I went out in time for morning tea, so I took my protein balls and lemon balls that I had made with me.  I also took a green tea bag with me, so had that too.

Then lunch was tuna balls in lettuce cups with fresh beetroot grated over the top, carrot and celery sticks, and a few grapes.  Those little tuna balls pack a punch and kept me full right up until dinner tonight!

Speaking of dinner, we had barramundi cooked in the oven, although I'm not very good and some of our fish was undercooked - blerrrgh.  We also had a brussel sprouts and bacon dish, which was ok, I think I only liked it because I luuuuurve bacon.

I also made up some icy poles today, with watermelon and pineapple juice, so we will see if they turn out ok. Oh and I also snacked on some sultanas and dried apricots - just a couple.

So anyway, that was day one of the Whole 30 - 29 days left to go.

My weigh in yesterday was ok, only a loss of 500g this week - so now my current weight is...

Current weight:  81.1kg.
Total weight loss:  18.9kg.

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