Wednesday 12 December 2012

Day three

Bubbles was feeding like a newborn last night, so I'm pretty tired again today, but really thats nothing unusual!  As tired as I am, thats still no excuse to feed my body bad food.  (Even though I would really love some!)

Breakfast:  Oats.  Except I threw in some frozen raspberries with the frozen blueberries to soak with the oats and it was so YUM!!  So I had raspberries instead of strawberries - still with coconut, linseeds and sunflower seeds (banana and honey as well).

Morning tea:  Even though I was super proud of myself for getting through shopping (both Aldi and Woolworths) with the three girls, I didn't indulge in any of the marshmallows I got for them for being so good.  Instead I had a handful of cherries (on spesh this week at woolies!) and then when I got home, had my hommus on ryvitas again.

Lunch:  Sardines on toast.  One of my most favourite lunches I think!

Afternoon tea: A cherry, banana and a nectarine (and more cherries before putting the kids to bed just cos they are so freaking yummy)

Tea: Pork San Choy Bau (or in other words, Savoury pork in lettuce cups) - one of my favourite meals, so freakin yum!!!

After dinner:  Fruit and yoghurt ice cream, and a couple of low calorie biscuits with my tea.

Water intake:  around a litre...ish...
Coffee intake: 3
Tea intake:  2

Bring on day 4!  I CAN do this.

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