Tuesday 11 December 2012

Day two

Ok had a shit night last night, just couldn't sleep, plus a few feeds from Bubbles - so I'm pretty tired.  Determined to do well today though.

Had oats again for breakfast.  Same as yesterday, just because its pretty darn yummy and with all the seeds and stuff, its a great start to the day.

Morning tea - two ryvita crackers with a light spreading of hommus and a boiled egg on top.  Pretty nice actually!  Plus the protein from the egg will help keep me fuller for longer :)

Lunch - another salad (still no meat, and I forgot to get some chicken out to thaw) so I had lettuce, pumpkin, beans, small handful of cashews, small sprinkling of cheese and a small handful of grapes.  Interesting combination, but I liked it!  I like just coming up with "interesting" combinations, keeps things different lol

Afternoon tea - apple  (pink lady - my favourite!)

Dinner - pizza - however ours was on a pita bread, with homemade pizza sauce made in the thermomix (couple of cloves of garlic, a red onion and some tomatoes blitzed), with green capsicum, radishes, an egg and a light sprinkling of cheese.  Elf Man had the added bonus of pepitas and cranberries on his (freak that he is!!)  It probably sounds gross but it was really quite nice.

After dinner - a cup of tea and some ryvitas (better than sweet biscuits right!?)

Water intake: Around 1L - not a lot, but better than nothing (which is normal for me...)
Tea intake: 2 (one when the kids were eating their pizza for dinner, and one before bed!)
Coffee intake: 3 (one for stumbling out of bed at 5am, one at morning tea, one after lunch)

No exercise today.  I had all intentions of going out and going for a walk.  However - I was out the door when I realised I had someone coming around to buy a bed and I had to clean down the bed, so I did that instead.  Then found out after I done it that they weren't coming any more *insert lots of swear words here*  By that time, Bubbles was overdue for her nap, so I put her down instead because it looked like it was going to rain anyway.  There is always tomorrow.

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