Monday 7 May 2012

Second week results

So I was slack this morning, and instead of jumping out of bed at 6am to go for my usual walk, I ended up staying in bed a little longer and hugging my kids instead.  Exercise will always be there, but I'm not going to make it an obsession - it has to fit in around my family, which will always come first (especially as they are still so young!)

So, then I jumped on the scales - loss of 800g.  Not bad, a good weight loss is supposed to be 500g-1kg every week, slow but consistent is the key.  Although my mum thinks a good weight loss is 2-3kg every week, I suspect she has been watching too much of The Biggest Loser.
We went out last night for some family photos, another reminder to me why I am doing this because my arm looks absolutely massive in the photo. I can't believe I let myself get this big!  Its amazing what your mind lets you see in the mirror.  We gave the kids chips for dinner on the beach, but Elf Man and I resisted - god they smelt fabulous!!!!  But as starving as we were, we resisted and I cooked us up a healthy chicken and vegetable stir fry when we got home - which was also really really yummy!

So as low as my loss was this week, I proved that even in the face of temptation, I will not give in.  This is not a  "diet", this is my life.

Last weigh in - 97.2kg
Current weight - 96.4kg


  1. I love your mindset Mel. You really seem committed this time. Go you!!! You're right - it's not a diet, it's life.

  2. I am so stalkerish that I found this blog all on my own, ROFL.

    You can do it!!

    And when you're fit and (even more) fabulous we'll have to take some more photos to celebrate :)
