Saturday 5 May 2012

Starting out

I thought I would start a different blog for my weight loss journey.  So this is it.

A couple of weeks ago, Sparrow called me fat.  A few times.  It hurt, but I got over it.

Then he told me that a boy from his school told him that I was fat.  That hurt more.  He got teased because I was fat.

So that's it.  I'm on a new eating plan (I don't really like the word diet) and I'm exercising.  I walk most mornings for half an hour, and then I either go on the cross trainer or the exercise bike for half an hour at night.  Not a lot of exercise, but as easy as it is to make excuses to not get on and do some exercise - its easy to think that half an hour isn't a lot of time to commit to making myself fitter and healthier.

Anyway - I started out on the 23rd of April weighing 100kg.

I weighed in last Monday (30th April) and had lost 2.8kg in my first week of eating healthy and exercising.  I'm not really doing anything that dramatically different, I have either a green smoothie or raw fruit cereal for breakfast, a salad with either tuna or chicken for lunch, and then normal dinners.  I have rice crackers and fruit for snacks, and have been going pretty well with my willpower to not gobble up all the biscuits that I buy for the kids.

I have my picture of me on my fridge to remind me how disgusting I look at the moment.  I don't want to be looking like that next year.  So I'm giving myself till Easter next year to get where I want to be - 65 by Easter time I call it!

So that's it!  This is to keep me accountable, keep me motivated and keep me on track to where I want to be.  And hopefully Sparrow will never have to be teased about my weight again.

Starting weight - 100kg
Current weight - 97.2kg

Let's see what Monday brings!


  1. Yay! Awesome my friend. You are doing so well. Can't wait to read more... I'll see if I can find time to start my own blog tomorrow. I have a lot of backtracking to do on mine, so would take a bit of time.
    You can do it! Good luck for Monday's weigh in!

  2. You can do it lovely! WE will do it together! So easter time, you reakon?? 30kg in 10ish months....VERY do-able! Lets go!
